Yohimbe Depression & Anxiety!
by Bader
Yohimbe Depression & Anxiety!Well first of all I read EVERY single link in your site like couple of times already!
I also submitted a question on how to increase
Semen Volume which you responded to super fast I was kinda tempted to ask many other questions but I felt that was pushing it, lol.
Anyways the reason I'm sending you this mail is that I saw a post from a guy who suffers from depression after doing the testosterone cycle,
I had experience with yohimbe which in fact did cause me depression...
It could cause also anxiety for some people and when I stopped it I went back to normal the following day.
It can cure depression and cause it for some people.
I just wanted to show some loyalty to this site and maybe help out a little.
Thanks again mark for what you do to the people out there :)
Hello BaderThanks for the link, unfortunately, I couldn't get it work?
I do agree with you regarding
Yohimbe, depression, and anxiety.
If taken it in too high a dose, this herb can deliver some pretty nasty side effects.
On the other hand, when taken in moderation, I've found it to be an excellent sex boosting supplement.
As a matter of fact, it's one of my favorite herbs.
Why?Because I learned how to use it properly.
In small doses, it increases energy, enhances erections, boosts sexual desire, and
reduces depression.
The key is moderation!Most men who use this herb will wind up taking too much.
The real problem lies with the manufactures.
They put way too much of the active ingredient into the bottle.
Guys typically follow the recommended dosage, suffer side effects, and swear off yohimbe for good.
It's really a shame.
This is one of the main reason I'm so high on
Passion Rx.
It has yohimbe, but in the correct dose.
You get all the benefits, without any of the negative side effects.
Thanks again for your feedback!
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