by Tim
Hi Mark,
I am a great fan of your site, and I've written a few times for your advice, as I'm sure you know.
It's good to know I can always come back to get accurate information.
Still I need to know, in your opinion, what are the 7 Best Testosterone Boosters
I have several, but I don't know if they are all in the same herb family.
I have 2 bottles of Passion Rx, 1 with and 1 without yohimbe.
Also, is it good or bad to double up on some of these?
I am somewhat over weight, but not obese, and I figure I might need more. How would I need to supplement them?
What I mean is, I know you have to cycle every 7 days but with your idea of the 7 best, maybe I can do it on my own, as I do have several.
Thanks once again . Tim
Male Hormone Supplements!
Hi Tim,
Cycling Testosterone Supplements is not that complicated, until you throw a combination product into the mix.
If you're using one, you need to start reading the ingredient list.
Combo products like Passion RX, have several different sex boosters in one capsule.
You want to avoid those ingredients right after taking the RX, otherwise you'll build up a tolerance to the herbs, and they will completely stop working.
Say for example, you take the Passion RX on Sunday.
On Monday, take a day off supplements entirely, then for the next day or so, use products that are not in the Passion Rx ingredient list.
Good examples are citicoline, ginseng, antler velvet, and rhodiola rosea.
Once you've taken a break, you can go back to your normal routine, and tolerance shouldn't be an issue.
This seems to work because there's only a small amount of each individual herb in the combo capsules.
When you take it again in a few days as a single herb, the higher dose kicks in and delivers the goods.
Regarding dosages, you need to test to see what works for you.
Start with the recommended dosage, and increase it weekly until you hit the sweet spot.
If you get a caffeine like buzz, you'll know you've passed the threshold.
If you feel horny, energetic, confident, and motivated, you've arrived.
With Passion Rx, the sweet spot for most men is 2 capsules.
You asked about my 7 favorite testosterone supplements.
That's a tough one, because I like them all!
A few of my favorites are Passion Rx, tongkat ali, catuaba bark, rhodiola rosea, tribulus, goat weed and mucuna pruriens.
That being said, choose any seven from the two pages below, and you can't go wrong.
Herbal Testosterone
Natural Testosterone Boosters
Good luck!
7 Best Testosterone Boosters to
Boost Your Low Testosterone-Home