Stress, Low Testosterone & Erectile Dysfunction in a 42 Year Old Man
by Greg
(New Castle, Delaware)

Stress, Low Testosterone & Erectile Dysfunction in a 42 Year Old ManMark, good day!First, let me thank you for creating such an informative site.
I've been reading the information here intently and gained immeasurable knowledge.
If I may, here is my story, which is probably a very ordinary one…
I am 42 years old. I can honestly say that until probably 2 years ago, terms like low libido,
erection issues, and low energy were foreign to my vocabulary.
My problems started around December 2009. I don’t know whether it was a long-term effect of stress or just a simple, but brutal reality of aging, I started feeling almost like someone invaded my body.
Always energetic, physically and mentally strong, and upbeat, I started feeling tired, week,
disinterested in sex, and just not feeling myself.
I also started noticing dreadful “love handles” which I didn’t notice before. And then, one morning I could not perform.
It was an experience that I will never forget and won’t wish on my worst enemy, ever!
At the same time, I started noticing mood swings and insomnia, which I never had earlier in my life.
I went to a general practitioner and he ordered me a boatload of tests. None of them revealed anything and he sent me off home giving me a clean bill of health.
I went to the next doctor with my test results, and the outcome was almost identical.
Yet, my problems would not disappear.2 months later I finally picked up a brochure in our local health food store advertising a local holistic doctor.
I set up an appointment.
He listened to my story very patiently and then said he had a very good clue as to what was plaguing me.
He gave me a slip for a series of blood tests, but I noticed those tests were different from what the traditional doc ordered.
When the test results came back, he called me for another appointment. When we met he showed me the results.
At the time I knew nothing about testosterone or what it does.
He advised me to start taking natural supplements (vitamins, mainly). His theory was that I had an adrenalin fatigue and low testosterone was rather a result and not a cause.
I can honestly say that I can probably write a dissertation on testosterone right now.
I was spending literally nights and days reading about this issue.
I started hitting gym more regularly focusing on lifting heavy weights.
I was eating right, I am not a smoker and never has been, I am not obese, I have no heart issues, and I was going to gym.
I am no diabetic and my cholesterol has always been great. So resuming my weight lifting was actually easy.
I basically eliminated starches, sugars and carbs.I started sleeping better and generally feeling much better but I could tell that I am not 100% back.
I was still
losing my erection in a middle, from time to time… My libido was not as high as I wanted it to be.
My holistic man ordered me – at my request mind you – a second blood test in 7 months since my first visit.
My testosterone was at 366 and my estrogen was at 22. My LH was 3.3 and my FSH was at 3.1.
About 5-6 months ago, I first started reading about
natural aphrodisiacs that you speak about on your site.
I found a Tongkat Ali SD-200 product and ordered it. I started taking Tongkat Ali just like the supplier instructed: 10 days on – 5 days off.
At first, things were going great. I swear I had an erection when I didn’t even want it.
I really felt like an 18-year old. I start feeling something that I haven’t felt in a long, long time: healthy aggressiveness, desire, unbelievable mood, etc.
Just a thought of a woman gave me an instant erection… Then as my work stress started building up, I started having insomnia and stress again.
My libido has taken a dive again. It was never as bad I had 2 years ago, though.
Anyway… two weeks ago I took my tests again. Below are the results:
Total T: 420
Free T: 95.8
FSH: 3.4
LH : 4.3
SHBG : 19
I suppose, these are not bad. My T could be higher, but it’s the highest it has been in two years.
But here are some bad numbers:
Estradiol: 44
Pregnenolone: 5.
Pregnenolone especially is scary low (considering 13-208 normal range).
And what I find discouraging is that estradiol went down compared to the last testing event.
I don’t have features typical of a man with low T. I still go to the gym at least 3 times a week and try to eat proteins and limit carbs.
I just don’t know what else to do. It seemed like I followed the route to my recovery a T (no pun intended).
Yet, I feel I can still use some help. My libido is not nearly as terrible as it was 2 years ago, but it can use a boost.
And I really, REALLY want to lose these “love handles”. They really disgust me.
Mark, any help will be highly appreciated.
Stress, Low Testosterone & Erectile
Dysfunction in a 42 Year Old Man
Hi Greg,
It looks to me like you're already headed in the right direction.
A few tweaks here and there, and you should be back to your old self in no time.
You did cover quite a bit of ground in your message, much of which I've already discussed on the website.
What I'll do today is cover the main points, then send you where you need to go on the site for the rest.
First off, let's talk about the Tongkat Ali you mentioned.I'll admit the 10 day
Cycle you were on was better than nothing, but it still wasn't good enough.
I'll can tell you now, it stopped working for you, not because of stress or insomnia, but because you took it too many consecutive days in a row.
I can state this as a fact, because I did the EXACT same thing you did.
Bought the expensive Tongkat Ali product, followed the instructions to the letter, felt an initial boost, followed up by disappointment when the product stopped working entirely.
Consider this...My statistics tell me that more than 4000 men have cycled the
Testosterone Boosting Supplements recommended on the site.
Many of these guys are HARD CORE regular visitors to my that I converse with on a regular basis, because they've been with me from the very beginning.
All these guys have been burned at one time or another by a supplement, just like you and I have.
And after learning the hard way, not one of these men would EVER consider taking any sex booster more often than once a week.
This is the main message you need to take home today, because you're right on the brink...very close to that big breakthrough.
Stress, Low Testosterone & Erectile
Dysfunction in a 42 Year Old Man
But before that can happen, you need to get a grip on estrogen!
You said you were disappointed that your Estradiol levels had gone down to 44.
You should be happy about that decline, because I believe your numbers are too high.
Follow the link below for more details...
Estrogen, SHBG, Aromatase, & Free TestosteroneAlso keep in mind, estrogen and progesterone balance each other out in the body.
Once you get your estrogen levels down into the optimal range, your progesterone should slide back up almost immediately.
Finally...It's a good thing you're highly disturbed by those love handles growing around your waist.
These pockets of fat are more hormonally driven than any other fat store on your body.
The culprits here are insulin, cortisol and testosterone.
The hormonal mix that fuels the handles most effectively is a combination of high cortisol and insulin, combined with low levels of testosterone.
Sound familiar?As mentioned earlier, your testosterone levels are already headed in the right direction.
To get a grip on cortisol, eliminate stress in your life as much as possible.
Balance omega 3 and 6 fats in your diet.
Reduce consumption of coffee and other stimulants as they disrupt sleep and increase stress hormones in the body.
Cut out all anaerobic exercise, and make the shift to brief and intense HIT training.
Also, keep in mind that once you approach 40, you need to severely reduce the amount of time you spend in the weight room.
You can learn why HEREAs I'm sure you already know, insulin is most effectively controlled by reducing carbohydrate consumption in the diet.
Throw in a little sunshine exposure to boost vitamin D levels, which with help with blood sugar regulation, and your insulin levels should drop by default.
That's about it, Greg!
Make it a point to check back in to update us on your progress.
Good luck!
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Dysfunction in a 42 Year Old Man to Low-T-Home