Simple Method to Increase Productivity, Sex Drive, & Muscle Mass!
by Blake

Simple Method to Increase Productivity, Sex Drive, & Muscle Mass!Hey there,Just wanted to let you know I have ordered and am planning on taking the over the counter
Testosterone Booster supplements you recommended:
I workout, Monday - Friday with Saturday and Sunday off.
I wonder if taking these supplements for 5 days on, 2 days off would be beneficial or, should I supplement with them 7 days straight?
Thanks for your advice,
Simple Method to Increase Productivity, Sex Drive, & Muscle Mass!
Hi Blake,
The bigger the gap between doses, the better.
If you can get by without the T-Boosters over the weekend, they'll definitely deliver a stronger kick when you start back up again on Monday.
As a matter of fact, your goal should be to use them even less.
Why?Because ultimately, you want your body to take care of this process...
You want your
testicles to become so productive, that you only have to pull them out on occasion.
Of course, things don't always work out as planned.
Take me for example...I just came off an incredible run of almost 2 weeks where I didn't go near my supplements.
I was eating, sleeping and exercising right, getting out in the sun, practicing ejaculation control, staying productive, and feeling good.
A trip into smoggy downtown Los Angeles over the weekend, combined with too much of the wrong food and drink shut that good feeling down cold on Monday morning.
Fortunately, I had my supplements to fall back on.
First thing on Monday, I took a strong dose of
Tongkat Ali and Trubulus, combined with a heavy squat routine, which I did in a fasting state.
This simple protocol boosted both my testosterone and human growth hormone, all in one fell swoop.
Then I got productive!This is a critical point, as action is essential for a man looking to keep male hormones dialed in.
In other words, If I had taken the dose of
testosterone herbs, then laid back on the couch to watch TV, it would have been game over.
Simple Method to Increase Productivity, Sex Drive, & Muscle Mass!
So here's my one big caveat going out to those ready to jump onto a cycle.
Go ahead and use your supplements when you need them, but don't expect much if you're blowing it in other areas in your life.
Remember...These aren't drugs, they're natural herbs.
Herbs that deliver ONLY when you create the ideal environment for them to do so.
If you've got a 10 beer a day habit, eat a junk diet, or spend half your life watching I Dream Of Genie reruns, you're going to be disappointed.
You've got to attack this problem from every angle to make this work...Diet, exercise, ejaculation control, productivity, etc, etc..
If you're not willing go all in and do everything necessary, don't waste your time or your money.
Of course, you probably got all this figured out already Blake.
My experience has shown, time and again, that men with a strong workout ethic thrive on this system.
Those looking to pop a few pills to compensate for bad habits don't.
Thanks for your question!
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