Short & Skinny! I need some help!
by Kevin
(Boise, ID)

Short & Skinny! I need some help!Hello Mark,I'm a very small guy with thin arms and legs, and am only 5' 6".
I'm 26 and have had only one girl friend in my life, but that was almost 4 years ago.
I work as a shift manager in a coffee house, and have no other prospects on the horizon.
I'm going nowhere with my career with girls and I lack self confidence.
I think I need some
more testosterone or something.
Please help me get my life on track.
Thank you for the great website!
Short & Skinny! I need some help!
Hi Kevin,Here's the deal...
You have to play with the genetic cards you've been dealt.
Admittedly, you weren't given the best hand in the world, but at least you're in the game.
And the fact that you're in the game means you've got some wins ahead of you!
girl you want and the job you need are out there waiting for you right this very second.
You just need the self confidence to go out and grab what is already yours.
You see in reality, you don't have a physical problem.
This is all about your mental game, and that's what you and I are going to work on right now!
Short & Skinny! I need some help!
The 4th president of the United States, James Madison, was only five feet four inches tall.
Others well below average in height include Harry Houdini, James Cagney, and Napoleon Bonaparte.
These guys had success, they had money, and they had women.
And if it was possible for them, it's possible for you.
How?To start, you need to transform your body.
You mentioned your skinny arms and legs....
A shift from thin and weak, to
muscular and strong will make you feel better about yourself as a man.
No need to overcompensate by going for the Arnold look, unless that's what you want.
Shape, tone, hardness, and strength are enough.
But that's just the beginning.In my opinion, your employment situation is a problem.
Every guy goes through the entry level job phase, but at 26 it's time for you to start swinging for the walls.
You can't buy a house, bank cash, or secure your financial future on coffee house wages.
People will tell you that money doesn't buy you happiness, but I say B.S. to that tired and worn out theory!
I've been with and without, and I'll tell you right now, I'm a much happier guy when I've got some cash in the bank.
Here's something you need to remember...Height has nothing to do with financial success!
If it did Ross Perot, who measures out at just a hair over five and a half feet tall, never could have started Electronic Data Systems, with 70,000 employees, and billions of dollars in dollars in annual sales.
Short & Skinny! I need some help!
Your goal now is to get some passion back into your life!
Find that something in your world that gets you excited about living again.
It could be anything, from flying airplanes to selling sports cars.
Then...Make it your goal to become the absolute best in the world at it.
You may not make it to the very top, but the chase will pull you to heights you've only dreamed about in the past.
After you've achieved some success you'll find that the money, the women, and the respect of your peers will follow.
Then you'll truly understand that looks really don't matter that much after all.
It's what's inside you that counts.
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