Penis & Testicles Below Average in Size! Enlargement Facts & Information
by Francis
Penis & Testicles Below Average in Size!
Enlargement Facts & InformationHello Mark,I am suffering from very small testicle size and
under average penis size.What would you suggest for me to use for enlargement?
Penis & Testicles Below Average in Size!
Enlargement Facts & Information
Hello Francis,
5000 units a week of HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin treatment will do the trick, but I have a much better plan.
Instead of treating your symptoms, let's be smart about this and go after the cause itself...
The actual culprit that's wreaking havoc in your system, causing your
testicles to shrink in size.
For most men, this culprit is estrogen!Let me give you an unusual, real world example that demonstrates this perfectly.
Male to female transexuals take estrogen to facilitate the transition from masculine to feminine.
One of the most striking and immediate changes these men experience is a substantial decrease in testicle size and overall sperm production.
These are quickly followed up by impotence, infertility, and severe erectile dysfuntion in many cases.
This tells you exactly why this therapy has been termed, Chemical Castration.
You don't actually lose your testicles, but you come awfully close.
My gut tells me you've been chemically castrated yourself, Francis...not intentionally, mind you, but the effects are the same .
In other words, it doesn't matter where, how, or why you got your estrogen...
The only thing that matters is that you've got it, and from what I can see, too much of it at that.
Penis & Testicles Below Average in Size!
Enlargement Facts & Information
You goal now is a simple one...
You need to make the transition from a feminine hormone profile to a masculine one.
Once you make this shift, your testicles will increase in size, automatically, and your limp and tired penis will stand at attention once again.
So in answer to your question...
What would you suggest for me to use for enlargement? Simple..
Cycle OTC Testosterone BoostersReduce Circulation Estrogen LevelsBuild Muscle and Burn Body FatSwitch to a Testosterone Boosting DietGet Into The Edging Habit
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