Maca Reviews! Erections & Libido in Men!
by Ryan
Maca Reviews! Erections & Libido in Men!Hi Mark,I have 2 interesting things to tell you about, so I will get right to the point.
As I mentioned to you before, I suffer from very low T levels. I started out at a total of 145, then a year later, 240, then 6 months after that 271.
Aside from working out hard, and a better diet, I recently started using MACA powder.
This is one of the
Testosterone Boosters you mentioned.
Upon further research, I found two brands of all natural MACA powder that I found at my local Whole Foods.
I won't mention the brand names here, except to say they only carry a few brands.
My routine is this: a couple times a week I make a smoothie around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Frozen fruit and Kefir Yogurt Drink ( I love Kefir!) Then I mix in about 2 Teaspoons of MACA powder, the dosage is only 1 teaspoon.
Here are the results. On Days that I take the MACA powder, I notice a wonderful reaction. First, I feel more sexually aggressive, secondly I notice that I get an erection a lot faster and thirdly I last a lot longer.
Now, please note that last result of lasting longer. I don't last long during sex. However, on days I take the MACA I do last significantly longer that I normally would.
I do not notice any single side effects at all. It does not keep me up at night, I don't get nervous or flushed or heart racing.
I don't even know that I've taken it...I also heard about Cacao Powder as a friend of mine suggested it for me. I actually was able to find a brand that makes Cacao & MACA mixed together!
Again I found this at my local whole foods market.
I know a lot of your readers are trying all kinds of
natural supplements and I just wanted to let them know my success with MACA powder.
Some of the other supplements you mention on the website scare me because of the potential side effects.
So far I have been using MACA powder for about a month now and have not noticed any side effects... just great results.
The second thing I wanted to ask you was this. When I first started dating my girlfriend, sex was bad. It was all my fault too.
Because of my Low T Not only was I unable to get an
erection quickly, but I only lasted for about 30-40 seconds! No joke!
However, now that we are more comfortable with each other, she is very understanding of my condition, almost 8 months later, sex is now awesome!
I am not sure if this is a psychological issue or my body is just acting weird, but I am getting erections quicker then ever, and I am lasting on average 5-7 minutes (with a lot of position changes).
With the introduction of the MACA powder, things are only getting better. Is it possible that even with Low T, having more and more sex actually helps you have more and more sex?
Is having more frequent sex like taking a supplement for having more frequent sex? I hope that makes sense...
Thanks Mark!
Maca Reviews! Erections & Libido in Men!
Hello Ryan,
Thanks for the info on the maca!
I purchased a raw maca powder at my health food store several years back, and experienced similar results.
Unfortunately, I knew nothing about
cycling at the time, so I started using it everyday.
Eventually tolerance kicked in, and it stopped working.
Of course, I've figured things out now so maca is back in my cycle and working great, although I take the caps for convenience.
Regarding you and your sex life!Here's my take on your situation...
If you were sexed up and horny when you were losing your wood in a matter of seconds, it was definitely a psychological issue.
If she was stripping down naked in front of you and you weren't feeling much, I'd say it was low testosterone.
Either way, at least you've got things working now.
Maca Reviews! Erections & Libido in Men!
Your next order of business is to get your T levels out of the two hundreds!
I know you've been hesitant to try
T boosting supplements, but I think that's a mistake.
Based on your experience with the maca, I'd say that you're a responder.
You're getting a solid kick with a teaspoon of maca, so there's no reason to doubt you'd experience the same with the other supplements.
I have a strong feeling that you'd thrive on tongkat ali, tribulus, cautaba, and the others.
If you're worried about side effects, use small doses, take days off, and cycle religiously.
Do this, and I can guarantee you the only side effects you'll experience will be positive one's.
Side effects like the good stuff you experience on your maca days.
The only difference will be, supplements like tongkat and catuaba will actually increase your testosterone levels directly.
The maca doesn't!
It does boost sex drive, but we don't have a clue how or why that happens.
Anyway, thanks again for your feedback Ryan..
Let me know how things work out for you.
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