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Increase DHEA Naturally

by Mike
(Harrisburg, PA)

Increase DHEA Naturally!

I wanted to know the safety of DHEA.

I just had my Testosterone levels checked at 400 (total).

It was suggested that I start taking dhea (25-50mg) daily since my dhea levels were also low.

I've been reading a lot of articles recently that are claiming DHEA is extremely bad and can cause life-threatening problems, most commonly heart palpitations, arrhythmias, etc.

What do you suggest?

Increase DHEA Naturally!

Hi Mike,

I think chronic, daily supplementation of DHEA is a bad idea.

When taken daily, some DHEA will still convert to testosterone, but much of it will quickly break down, and be converted into other hormones in the body, the most prominent being ADG.

The hormone ADG is a growth factor for the prostate, and can lead to other forms of cancer, especially if Estrogen levels aren't kept in check.

Regarding estrogen...

Unlike women, men tend to get more estrogen conversion from DHEA than they do testosterone, especially once the dose hits 50mg or higher.

All that being said, you can still use DHEA, you just have to be smart about it.

Take it once a week, and cycle it along with other natural Testosterone Boosters.

Never exceed 25mg, and never take it more than once a week.

Used this way, it can be an effective supplement.

Increase DHEA Naturally!

Supplements will improve your situation, but you can do more.

Here are a few tips...

Reduce Carbs!

Studies using humans and primates have shown that a decrease in carbohydrate consumption, which leads to lower blood sugar levels, increases DHEA in the body.

Proof of this was demonstrated in a study using metformin (Glucophage) a drug that reduces blood sugar levels, and improves insulin sensitivity in men and women.

In the study, those taking the metformin saw an increase of 50% or more of DHEA levels in the blood.

No need to take the drug though.

Limit carb consumption, and your blood sugar and insulin levels will decrease, and your DHEA will go up.

Eat Plenty of Fat

DHEA is made from cholesterol and your body uses fat to make cholesterol. Eat plenty of quality fats from grass fed beef, cod liver oil, cold water fish, walnuts, and olive oil.

Control Stress!

Stress increases cortisol, which decreases blood levels of DHEA.

Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

People who maintain a body mass index between 19-25 have the highest blood levels of DHEA.


Get between 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.

Schedule downtime in your life.

Get adequate levels of sunlight.

Engage in sexual activity at least twice per week.


Exercise regularly, as exercise has been show to increase DHEA levels in men and women.

Good luck!

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increase DHEA naturally - good suggestions
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this article. I found it not only enlightening but helpful as it explains how we can increase our own DHEA naturally without bombarding our bodies with potentially harmful supplements (if not taken under supervision of a medical professional).

I shall up my intake of fish and organic meat protein. I will also endeavour to increase my exercise routine at 70 years of age.

Thank you once again.

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