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I Don't Want to Cycle My Tongkat Ali!

by Ben
(Flint, MI)

I Don't Want to Cycle My Tongkat Ali


I have Tongkat Ali I've been using, and it says on the label to take for 25 days then take five days off.

Why can't I do that cycle instead of yours which is more complicated and needs more Herbal Supplements?

It would be a lot easier to just take one, and I don't have the time to do all the other stuff you talk about..

Please let me know ASAP.


I Don't Want to Cycle My Tongkat Ali

Hi Ben,

Easier doesn't get you much in life.

If you're the type of guy that always goes for the easy way, I can't help you much.

You see, plopping your body down on the couch and watching TV for hours at a time is easy...

Building an interesting and exciting life is not.

Masturbating in front of your computer to internet porn is easy...

Getting out into the world and meeting a real, live, breathing woman is not.

Stuffing your face with food, getting fat, and out of shape is easy...

Maintaining discipline, eating right, and sculpting an impressive body is not.

I Don't Want to Cycle My Tongkat Ali

I have a question for you Ben...

If you've got the Tongkat Ali on hand, and you've been using it, why are you sniffing around my site?

I have a clue, and that clue tells me it's not working for you any longer, right?

Not working because you failed to cycle it!

Here's the funny thing about all of this Ben...

The supplement cycling is the easy part!

If you're having a hard time with this simple concept, how are you going to handle the high intensity exercise...

How difficult is it going to be for you to put that twinkie, that 12 pack of beer, or that Big Mac down?

My gut tells me you don't have the discipline for my system Ben.

Of course, you could always prove me wrong!

If you're interested in doing just that, here's where to start...

How to Cycle Testosterone Boosters

Build Muscle - Burn Fat

The Testosterone Boosting Diet

Male Ejaculation Control

I Don't Want to Cycle My Tongkat Ali
to Boost Your Low Testosterone Levels-Home

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