Hypogonadism, Estrogen & Male Breasts!
by Degam

Hypogonadism, Estrogen & Male Breasts!Hi Mark,First of all I would like to thank you so much for the valuable info you are sharing with us.
I have a problem that has been worrying me for a long time.
I meet criteria for Hypogonadism and I am over weight and have enlarged breasts, no facial hair... etc.
I have been going to the Gym for about 3 months now.
There has been some improvement like
weight loss, but my breasts are still enlarged (abnormally) which is the reason I suspected Hypogonadism in the first place.
What do you think I should do? I hope you can help me with this as I am both desperate and have looked all over for help without success.
Hypogonadism, Estrogen & Male Breasts!
Hello Degam,
You need to shift your
hormone profile away from feminine and toward masculine.
You need to
burn body fat and build muscle...
Clear the
estrogenic chemicals out of your environment.
Dump the
estrogen promoting foods, and replace with
real man food.Become obsessed with the size, weight, and overall health of your
testicles.Get away from your computer screen, your television set, your refrigerator, and out into the real world.
You need to set a big goal!A goal that once achieved...will transform your body into something you'll hardly even recognize.
And as this transformation begins to take place, you'll knock things into overdrive...
How?By cycling
Testosterone Boosters, the intelligent way...the only way that really does work!
But...Don't even think about starting until your body is ready!
And by ready I mean once you've dropped a big chunk of body fat, changed your diet, and cleaned the chemicals out of your environment.
Then and only then will you be ready!
Ready to churn out the male hormones your body needs to remain masculine for the duration.
Remember!You were born male... and the reason your body has gone feminine is because you've been defying the laws of nature.
The laws that state very clearly that food supplies are not unlimited.
That it takes some work to get the evening meal on the table.
That cakes, cookies, chips and donuts do not grow on trees anywhere on planet earth.
Here's the bottom line...If you eat the right foods and exercise hard, your body will begin to repair itself, automatically.
And your breasts?
If there's a hard lump below your nipples, you've developed full blown
Gynecomastia.If this is the case, your only options are...
Decide to live with itOr...
Get male breast reduction surgeryIf there is no lump, you're a lucky man.
Consume the advice above, dive in headfirst, and you'll change your life in a matter of months.
Remember...You only go around once, so make the commitment and get started right now!
Do so, and I guarantee you, in 3 months time you'll be very glad you did!
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