How To Recover After Testosterone Replacement Thearpy
by Ray Gonzalez
(Keller Texas)

How To Recover After Testosterone Replacement TherapyHi Mark,I recently stopped Testosterone Replacement Therapy, after injecting 135 milligrams every 10 days (under physician care) for approximately 90 days.
I experienced all the ups and downs described on your website.
Felt great the first 5 days then downhill after that. I then decided to try the all natural approach.
I purchased all
7 of the testosterone boosting supplements, and have cycled them for the last week and a half. I do not expect the same effects as the TRT, but my question is, can I expect the same libido boosting affects I had with the TRT?
I woke up every morning with a rock hard erection and my libido was through the roof while on TRT. I still wake up with an erection, but it's not as rock solid with the supplements.
How long would you say it will take to have my T-Levels at an acceptable range?
How To Recover After Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Hi Ray,
It's going to be a bit more difficult for you in the beginning stages, because of your 3 month
Testosterone Replacement experiment.
In essence you're going to have to
re-train your testicles to start manufacturing the testosterone you were getting out of the needle. This is going to take a little time.
That being said, the fact that you are still waking up with morning wood is a very good sign. This tells me your body hasn't given up the ghost entirely...that's it's still fighting to keep your reproductive system alive.
I can't tell you exactly how long all of this will take, but I can say, weekly or even daily improvement is entirely within your reach.
Especially if you do more than just cycle the
Herbal Testosterone supplements.
Here's what I would suggest you do you as you move forward...Wear a Ball Zinger Penis RingPractice Ejaculation Control TechniquesNurture the Leydig Cells in Your TesticlesIncorporate Hormone Boosting Exercises into Your RoutineGood luck!
How To Recover After Testosterone
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