Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction!
You want to accomplish 2 things with any home ED treatment.
You want to increase production of the essential erection agent, nitric oxide, in your blood stream.
You want to enhance vasodilation of the blood vessels leading to your penis.
OTC Erection Supplements will help you accomplish both.
Nitric oxide is bio-synthesized directly from the amino acid, L-Arginine.
Even better...
Arginines effect on nitric oxide production is greatly enhanced, when it is used in conjunction with other amino's.
Combine the correct amino's, in the correct proportions,
Along with...
Supplements that increase elasticity of the blood vessels, and you'll experience a profound increase in erectile strength, power, and frequency.
The Blakoe Ring was invented in the 1950's by the famous anatomist and physiologist, Dr. Robert Blakoe.
This device was originally manufactured to treat incontinence in older men.
The idea was, these elderly gents were supposed to wear the ring daily, in order to stimulate the tissue around the penis and testicles.
The doctor hoped the electric current the device generates, would repair tissue, strengthen muscles, and ultimately prevent incontinence from occurring.
Well, the ring did just that, and just a little bit more...
To the surprise of the doctor, the men began reporting more frequent and more spontaneous erections.
Further study showed that the electric current was stimulating the leydig cells in the testicles to produce more testosterone.
Stimulation of the smooth muscles leading into the penis was also part of the equation.
Today, thousands of ED sufferers from all around the world use this device on a daily basis to improve erectile strength, power, and function.
Now you can purchase the ring directly of ebay, at a fraction of the price of the original, making this a no brainer for any man suffering with erectile dysfunction.
Follow the link below to learn more...
Blakoe Style Penis RingEdging, where you take yourself to the brink of orgasm, but stop just prior to release,
Combined with...
Kegel exercises, used to strengthen and exercise the pubococcygeus, or PC muscle, is a powerful one two combination.
Look at these as "erection exercises" that will dramatically increase pelvic strength.
This increased strength will lead to greater control of the blood flow leading into your penis, allowing you to maintain hard erections for longer periods of time.
To perform these exercises, begin a normal edging session.
When you feel the orgasm coming on, flex your PC muscle to shut down the ejaculation.
Then, simply rinse and repeat the process four to five times.
That's all there is to it.
If you're unfamiliar with Kegels, just exercise the muscle you normally use to stop your urine flow.
Flex it 10 to 15 times, and you've just performed a round of Kegel exercises.
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