Cycling Testosterone Supplements
by Charlie
Cycling Testosterone Supplements!Hello,I was reading about how you cycle herbs for increasing testosterone and had a question.
Do you use a
Testosterone Booster for two days and then use another for two, and then bring the first one back in after a week?
Or do you stop for a week and then use a different herb for two days and then stop for a week again?
I just want to make sure I understand correctly.
Cycling Testosterone Supplements!Hello Charlie
I used to fudge sometimes, and take an herb two days in a row, but now I never do.
I've found that more than once a week, and the herbs begin to lose their effectiveness.
You may still get a bit of a kick on day 2, but it won't be as strong as day one.
To get the most out of your supplements, take them for one day, then move on to the next.
Cycle a minimum of 7 Testosterone Boosters at all times, and they'll deliver a powerful hormonal punch each and every time you take them.
Here's what a typical week would look like..Sunday: Passion RX
Monday: Supplement Free Day
Tue: Catuaba Bark
Wed: Tongkat Ali
Thurs: Mucuna Puriens
Friday: Tribulus Terrestrus
Saturday: Deer Antler Velvet
Here are a few more tips to help you get the most out of your supplements...Take them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you're having a real low energy day, chase your T Boosters with half a bottle of 5 hour energy.
This will increase the hormonal kick, and will give you a ton of energy to boot.
On days when you have to perform heavy mental tasks, substitute
CDP Choline for one of the testosterone boosters above.
This supplement will increase your mental sharpness, and will also enhance sex drive, energy, and motivation.
Finally... You need to have a plan to keep estrogen in check.
You probably won't need estrogen blockers everyday.
If you're nipples become sensitive, sore, or itchy, that's a sign you need to reduce your estrogen load.
Also, on days when you have very high levels of testosterone, chances are good that some of that extra T is going to convert to estrogen.
On days like this, take
It acts as an aromatase inhibitor, which blocks testosterone to estrogen conversion in your body.
Good luck!
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