Beer, Body Fat, & Male Hormone Levels!
by Josh
Beer, Body Fat, & Male Hormone Levels!Hi Mark,I stumbled across your site because I was searching for
"increasing testicle size" on Google.
I have noticed lately that my
ball sack is tight all the time and my balls feel tight also.
I am 31 years old and I am sure that my
Testosterone levels are lower than they used to be.
I am a very heavy beer drinker. (15 to 20 every night).
Unbelievably, I have a pretty good body and people think I am younger than I am.
I am 6'4", 285 pounds.
My body fat is 28%, I know, not good, but I carry it well.
I am wasting what could be an awesome body and mind because of the alcohol consumption.
Beer, Body Fat, & Male Hormone Levels! I guess I knew the
effects of alcohol on the male hormone system, but I was in denial about the effects until I read more about the subject on your website.
Your site has motivated me to get my ass in the gym and to quit drinking, except for maybe Friday and Saturday nights.
I know how it feels to have a high level of T.
I used to be in extremely good shape, and I did take
ZMA also before bed and worked out like crazy after work everyday.
If I took it now the alcohol would probably kill it.
I will keep you updated and I am also gonna order the
Passion Rx and maybe some of the other stuff.
BTW, I eat very clean and drink only water during the day and a lot of it.
People think I am quite the paradox because of my drinking beer at night. I will keep ya posted.
Thanks for making this site.
Beer, Body Fat, & Male Hormone Levels!Hello Josh,
Good for you!
I think you'll find that using alcohol as a treat for a job well done, is much more rewarding than chronic over consumption.
A job well done for you right now would be a Monday through Friday with zero alcohol, and some hard work at the gym.
A little reduction in
body fat would be nice too.
As I'm sure you're well aware, 15 to 20 beers is quite a substantial number.
28 percent body fat is exactly what I'd expect with that type of consumption.
I'd also expect
elevated estrogen levels, decreased testosterone, and the
testicular atrophy that always follows this type of hormonal imbalance.
If you can quit the booze cold turkey, and stick to your weekend only plan, great!
If you find that impossible, it may be time to dry out for a while.
Remember...Alcohol craving of any kind are a warning sign.
A warning that you aren't controlling the alcohol, the alcohol is controlling you.
Either way, once you drop the beer habit, I think you'll be shocked at how fast the body fat melts away.
Throw in some
muscle building exercise, and you'll get your stuff back in no time.
Good luck!
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