Ashwagandha Side Effects!
Hi Mark,
Per your recommendation, I've been using Ashwagandha at night before I have sex with my wife.
I don't have an erection problem, but I do have a desire problem, that gets worse later in the day.
I have made a commitment to my wife that I would keep the "love alive", and have been using this herb to make that happen at night, when she likes it the most.
It's been working great for us so far.
I'm using it at least once a week, and the only concern I have now is side effects.
Do I have any reason to be worried?
Hello Jeff,
In India, men, women, and even children use this natural herb for weeks and even months at a time, without experiencing negative side effects.
This has been going on in this country for centuries!
I don't know about you, but this fact alone is enough to give me a little reassurance.
Especially when you take into account that you're cycling this herb consistently.
In other words, you're using the supplement once a week, then taking a full week off before you use it again.
Following this system, I doubt that even nicotine, crack cocaine, or low dose cyanide would take you out.
My take is, using any natural herb, in reasonable dosages, only once in any given 7 day period is a pretty safe bet.
This is especially true when it comes to Ashwagandha!
For example...
Ashwagandha works as a potent immune system stimulator in humans.
Studies have shown that the herb increases white blood cell count, and exhibits a protective effect in people exposed to chemicals, and other caustic agents.
Other trials have demonstrated that Ashwagandha has anti inflammatory, anti tumor, and anti cancer properties.
Another well designed clinical trial found that Ashwagandha was almost as effective as the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam in relieving panic attacks and anxiety.
But the best trial of all had to do with stress hormones...specifically cortisol.
This was a human trail where the stressed subjects were placed into two separate groups.
Those given Ashwagandha were found to have 26 percent lower cortisol levels, reduced fasting glucose, and markedly improved improved lipid profiles.
A pretty impressive feat for an OTC libido supplement.
I've been a huge fan of this herb for quite some time, but I exercise extreme caution when using it...not because of side effects, but because of tolerance.
I don't want to overdo it with this supplement, and have it lose it's effectiveness in my system.
I like it too much for that!
Cycling it religiously, along with several other sex boosting herbs, is how I accomplish this.
Do the same, and I can assure you, you'll never have a problem with tolerance or with negative side effects.
Thanks for your question!
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