Adams Apples!
Big Adams Apple & Testosterone!
by Adam
Adams Apples! Big Adams Apple & Testosterone!I have a very small adam's apple, as a matter of fact, I barely have one at all.
Does this mean that I have, or have had, low
Testosterone Levels?Thanks for the excellent site!
Adams Apples! Big Adams Apple & Testosterone!Hello Adam?
I'm pretty sure that's not your real name, but what the heck, we'll go ahead and roll with it anyway.
The adams apple is simply a protrusion of the larynx/thyroid cartilage that develops during puberty.
Development of the adam's apple is considered a secondary sex characteristic, and in males, development is largely driven by testosterone.
As a man enters puberty, testosterone fuels the growth of the
Testicles, penis, muscles, bones, body hair, skull, and larynx.
This development of the larynx coincides with growth of the adam's apple.
As the larynx increases in size, the voice deepens, the apple protrudes, and that skinny little boy with the high pitched voice, all of a sudden grows up, and turns into a man.
That fact that you have a small adam's apple, probably means that you weren't swimming in
Testosterone as you entered puberty.
Take a look at the following...The traits listed below are all fueled by elevated levels of testosterone during development.
- Large Hands
- Wide shoulders
- Overall Muscularity
- Body/Facial Hair
- Large Adams Apple
- Prominent Brow Bone
- Square Jaw Line
You can also get a snapshot of your pubescent testosterone exposure by taking a look at your
Finger Length Ratio.If your ring finger is longer than your pointer, chances are good you were exposed to plenty of testosterone during puberty.
Finally...My advice to you is, don't be too worried about your small adam's apple.
I've got a decent sized one, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't sweat it.
The world at large is going to notice your overall physical condition, your muscularity, and your self confidence first and foremost.
Not your adam's apple!
Good luck!
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