Inside This Issue
1. 3 Sex Boosting Supplements Every Guy Should Own!
2. Tight Underwear & Reduced Sperm Production!
3. A Warning to All You Heavy Beer Drinkers!
4. Shocking Information On the Popularity of our Website!
I get asked all the time, "what are your favorite Testosterone Boosters".
My typical answer is, I like them all!
But in all honesty, I actually do have 3 that I prefer over the rest.
You can read about them at the top of this page...
Your testicles are the only organs you own that actually hang outside of your body.
They were designed like this for a very good reason, as it's absolutely critical that they stay cool at all times.
Here's why...
Are you a big beer drinker?
If so, you need to read my reply to this site visitor with a 15 beer a day habit!
Stumbleupon, Digg, Facebook, Delicious, Twitter, etc...
Since my last newsletter, traffic to the site has jumped by more than 20 percent!
Once again, we're the fastest growing men's health site on the Internet!
I'm banging out the articles for you guys full time now, but trust me, you're making it all worthwhile!
Because you're spreading the word, by submitting my pages to the social bookmarking sites mentioned above.
These websites have become a major source of traffic for us!
To me, that's appreciation, applause, gratitude, for all the work I'm doing, which only motivates me to do more.
I get asked all the time by new visitors to the site...
"Why don't you place a tip jar on your website?"
Well, that's just not my style, so it will never happen.
If you want to show your gratitude, simply continue spreading the word!
That's all the thanks I need.
See you next time!
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