Testosterone Diabetes and Sex!
Approximately 50 percent of all men with diabetes have suppressed testosterone, and the overall risk of low T in this population is more than double the risk seen in men without diabetes.
In a recent longitudinal study, men's blood samples were taken and frozen. Over several years they followed this group.
Those in the lower 25 percent of T concentrations were significantly more likely to develop diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
One of the first symptoms many diabetic men notice is Erectile Dysfunction.
Research shows that a diabetic male will most likely develop erection problems 10 to 15 years earlier than a man who doesn't have diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction is so prevalent in diabetes, that many doctors now test for diabetes in men suffering from ED.
The longer a man has diabetes, the more likely he will suffer from ED.
If blood glucose levels are not well controlled, blood vessel and nerve damage will continue, which can lead to more serious problems such as heart disease, and premature death
Drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are only effective in about 50 of all men with diabetes.
They also come with side effects and they kill spontaneity. You have to plan ahead, which isn't a lot of fun.
You'll be much better off if you get to the root of your problem and work to get control of your blood sugar levels.
Do yourself a favor and buy
Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution.
This book is the absolute gospel on the subject of diabetes. If you have blood sugar issues, this book may save your life!
Follow the link below and scroll down to the bottom and read about supplements every diabetic male should be taking.
Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes
If you have low testosterone consider using natural testosterone boosters instead of drugs to get your T levels back up where they belong.
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